
Application Data Encryption Platform

Application Data Encryption Platform Provide refined data encryption, desensitization and auditing with no need to re-develop or transform existing applications Get the white paper Contact us Product Overview Product Functions Product Advantages Deployment Product Features Product Overview CipherGateway Application Data Encryption Platform is a da



Sensitive Data Discovery Platform

Sensitive Data Discovery PlatformIntelligently identify the distribution of enterprise data assets and automatically classify data assets Get White PaperContact Us Product OverviewProduct FeaturesProduct Functions Product Overview The Sensitive Data Discovery Platform is a product that automatically discovers and classifies sensitive data, for bus



DLP data leakage prevention

DLP Data Leakage PreventionPre-prevention, in-process protection and post-audit of data leakage operations of end users Get White PaperContact Us Product OverviewProduct FeaturesProduct Functions Product Overview Network Data Leakage Prevention product (also known as: Network DLP) makes use of gateway devices deployed inside or outside the enterpr



Cryptography Security Assessment Toolbox

Cryptography Security Assessment ToolboxTool-based implementation of the content of cryptography security assessment test can help companies improve the security and compliance of the application of cryptography Get White PaperContact Us Product OverviewProduct FeaturesProduct Architecture Product Functions Product Overview Cryptography Security A



CipherSuite SDK

CipherSuite SDK 高效、安全、易用、场景覆盖全面 获取白皮书 联系我们 Product OverviewProduct FeaturesProduct Architecture Product Functions Product Overview CipherSuite SDK is a product independently developed by CipherGateway, providing high-performance SM algorithms, which can help enterprises to efficiently, safely and quickly introduce cryptogr



Cryptographic Server HSM

Cryptographic Server HSMCryptographic Server HSM:Provides high-speed and reliable encryption and decryption computing power, supports data encryption and decryption, integrity verification, digital signature and signature verification Get White PaperContact Us Product OverviewProduct FeaturesProduct Functions Product Overview CipherGateway Cryptog



Key Management System

Key Management SystemSupport KMIP protocol, provide full life cycle management of keys Get White PaperContact Us Product OverviewProduct Features Product Functions Product Overview CipherGateway Key Management System (abbreviated as: KLM) provides full life cycle management of keys, including key generation, key storage, key distribution, key back




PCI-E HSMSupport calls in user mode and kernel mode, and provide more cost-effective solutions Get White PaperContact Us Product overviewProduct features Product functions Product overview CipherGateway crypto card is a high-speed HSM with PCI Express as the Bus Interface. It supports cryptographic operations such as symmetric operations, hash ope

